George Langford's Blog

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Building Built in the 80's? Sorry, you're out?

If you don't live in an apartment built after 1979, you might not realize that such buildings aren't covered by the city's rent control ordinance.

That means tenants in those buildings can be evicted at the whim of the landlord.

That would change under a proposed ordinance from Supervisor John Avalos that would extend so-called "just cause" eviction rights to basically all renters in San Francisco, meaning they could only be evicted for about 15 approved reasons, such as failing to pay rent or the owner moving in.

The proposed ordinance would not confer rental price controls to post-1979 properties.

Avalos said the economic crisis has made the need for the legislation acute because tenants were being evicted from buildings that were foreclosed on. Foreclosure is not an approved reason for evictions from pre-1979 buildings.

"Tenants are being hit hard in the city," Avalos said at a Board of Supervisor's committee hearing Monday. "It seems to me like we want to make sure the playing field is even."

Berkeley has similar eviction rights for almost all renters, and supporters call it a matter of basic fairness. The Housing Rights Committee, tenant advocates who back Avalos' proposal, said between 16,000 and 23,000 rental units in San Francisco don't have "just cause" eviction protection.

Landlords and builders, though, said more regulations will dry up construction loans and kill incentive to create rental housing, shrinking available apartment stocks and city tax revenue.

"Enough is enough," said David Fix. "I was an excellent landlord, but you drove me out of the business. ... This is another solution in search of a problem."

The board's land use committee is to further consider Avalos' measure next week.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you look at the data, Just Cause Evictions Ordinances don't reduce evictions, they just make them cost more and make it harder for landlords to evict the problem tenants that we all want evicted. Why did three San Francisco (landlord)law firms open offices in Oakland after the 2002 Oakland ordinance passed? $$$ Why are 95% of all evictions are for non-payment, which the SF ordinance won't change? Landlord don't make money evicting people and having units turn-over. Just Cause for Eviction is progessive idealogy that doesn't work, enriches lawyers and reduces investment. Hmmm...this is a bad idea!

November 6, 2009 at 8:43 AM  
Blogger George Langford said...

Thanks for the comment. This is released yesterday in the paper. Thought it was interesting. Great thoughts and please keep them coming!


November 6, 2009 at 10:11 AM  

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