George Langford's Blog

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What Happens When The Government Stops Saving Us?

What is going to happen when the Government stops letting money flow into the market.

Where is Real Estate going to stand?

What about Interest Rates?

Why shouldn't I wait to buy?

The Real Estate Market is driven by how much it costs borrowers to borrow money from a Bank. As of right now we still have low interest rates that allow buyers to have the affordability of purchasing a home. This is caused by the Government allowing money to be borrowed from bank to bank and then to consumer at a reasonable cost. But the Governement can't continue to do this forever. So eventually the cost to borrow money will have to increase. In turn this will be passed down to the consumer as higher interest rates in the future.

One thing to keep in mind........ When thinking of buying a home you should primary concern should be how much will this cost. If i borrow X amount of dollars from the bank, how much will that cost me monthly. Buyers tend to get more concerned about how much the pruchase price of the home is going to be vs. how much the money they are going to borrow will cost.

So why buy now?

We have prices that have come down from a year ago and interest rates that have been reamining low. It's the perfect combination of for buyers to take action in this market.

Even if prices are to come down even more (which in the Bay Area we are actually seeing homes sell close to list price.) If prices were to come down would you be willing to bet that interest rates will stay low? The combination of a price reduction in the market and an increase in interest rates would put you in the same market we are in today. Possibly even costing you more due to the fact that the interest rate has increased and would be paid over a duration of 30 years!

So what is stopping you from buying today? Not sure about the market?

Buyers have the PERFECT combination to buy in this Market.

Money Available + low interest rates + Price Reductions = BUYERS MARKET!

Call me Today!


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