George Langford's Blog

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Does it cost to have a Realtor represent a Buyer?

I had a client (Buyer) the other day ask me how much do I charge for my service. So I thought that education is key and decided to write a post in regards to this topic.

Does a Realtor charge for representing a Buyer in a transaction?

The answer is yes. Commission is split between the Seller's Brokerage and Buyer's Brokerage. This is typically agreed upon when the Listing agent has the Seller sign the Listing agreement. This is an incentive to Buyer's agents to get the home being listed Sold.

So how much does it cost the Buyer?

The commission is strictly paid by the seller for both agents. Buyers do not pay a Fee or Commission to a brokerage representing them. It's free representation for the buyer. So remember that when you are purchasing a home you have a FREE service that is available to use. USE IT!

*If you are a buyer and a company requires you to pay them for you service do not pay them any money!*

(The above statement is true for Northern California, other area of the state and US may vary for commission terms and conditions of agents commissions: San Francisco, East Bay, South Bay, Peninsula, North Bay areas.)

Thanks again for reading and Happy House Hunting!

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