George Langford's Blog

Monday, September 21, 2009

Pending Homes Sales on a Record Roll!

Pending Home Sales on a Record Roll

Contract activity for pending home sales has risen for six straight months, a pattern not seen in the history of the index since it began in 2001, according to the National Association of Realtors®. The Pending Home Sales Index, a forward-looking indicator based on contracts signed in July, increased 3.2 percent to 97.6 from a reading of 94.6 in June, and is 12.0 percent higher than July 2008 when it was 87.1. The index is at the highest level since June 2007 when it was 100.7.
Lawrence Yun, NAR chief economist, said the housing market momentum has clearly turned for the better. “The recovery is broad-based across many parts of the country. Housing affordability has been at record highs this year with the added stimulus of a first-time buyer tax credit,” he said.

My Opinion: We have seen a rise in the number of multiple offers on properties here in the city. of course every market is different. Especially here in San Francisco. We have sub markets within the San Francisco market that are divded up my neighborhoods. But with rates at an all time low, tax credit of $8,000 available to first time home buyers and the times of processing and underwritting from banks are getting faster. Does this mean a recovery of the market? The only way to measure that will be time and facts or statistcs to be released. The ONLY way to know if the time is right for you if affordability. Everyone has a different situation. If you can afford the payments on a home than you should own one.

Any thoughts?

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