George Langford's Blog

Thursday, October 29, 2009

How Much More Does a Home Cost Compared to 25 years ago?

So over the past 25 years we have seen the Real Estate Market go up and down like a yo-yo. But how much more does a home cost today compared to 25 years ago?

1984 Home Price of $100,000
Interest Rate at 17%
Total Monthly Payment was: $1,425.68

2009 Home Price of $500,000
Interest Rate of 5%
Total Monthly Payment: $2,684.11

A difference of $1,258.84!]

Does it seem like owning a home costs that much more today? You be the judge!

Write your thoughts....and let me know what you think.

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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What Happens When The Government Stops Saving Us?

What is going to happen when the Government stops letting money flow into the market.

Where is Real Estate going to stand?

What about Interest Rates?

Why shouldn't I wait to buy?

The Real Estate Market is driven by how much it costs borrowers to borrow money from a Bank. As of right now we still have low interest rates that allow buyers to have the affordability of purchasing a home. This is caused by the Government allowing money to be borrowed from bank to bank and then to consumer at a reasonable cost. But the Governement can't continue to do this forever. So eventually the cost to borrow money will have to increase. In turn this will be passed down to the consumer as higher interest rates in the future.

One thing to keep in mind........ When thinking of buying a home you should primary concern should be how much will this cost. If i borrow X amount of dollars from the bank, how much will that cost me monthly. Buyers tend to get more concerned about how much the pruchase price of the home is going to be vs. how much the money they are going to borrow will cost.

So why buy now?

We have prices that have come down from a year ago and interest rates that have been reamining low. It's the perfect combination of for buyers to take action in this market.

Even if prices are to come down even more (which in the Bay Area we are actually seeing homes sell close to list price.) If prices were to come down would you be willing to bet that interest rates will stay low? The combination of a price reduction in the market and an increase in interest rates would put you in the same market we are in today. Possibly even costing you more due to the fact that the interest rate has increased and would be paid over a duration of 30 years!

So what is stopping you from buying today? Not sure about the market?

Buyers have the PERFECT combination to buy in this Market.

Money Available + low interest rates + Price Reductions = BUYERS MARKET!

Call me Today!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Should you use the listing agent when buying a home?

An Agent has certain Fiduciary duties to a client (A fiduciary duty is the highest standard of care possible). These can be boiled down to Loyalty, Obedience, Diligence, Disclosure, Accountability, and Confidentiality.

It’s really hard for the agent to be fair and just to both sides, and the listing agent's first obligation when the listing agreement was signed was to the seller, not the buyer. Whether itt’s negotiating the purchase price, negotiating credit for repairs, or negotiating an extension of time, you want someone to be your negotiating advocate 100% of the time throughout the process. If someone is negotiating for both the seller and buyer, it makes it tough to be your advocate all the time.

Here's the core potential problem of using the listing agent: One Agent cannot provide full Disclosure and maintain full Confidentiality at the same time. To avoid this conflict of duties, a Dual-Agent may not place either client into a beneficial position over the other.

For example, a Dual-Agent can provide the asking price of a home but can’t provide advice as to its appropriateness. Similarly, say a Dual-Agent performs a Comprehensive Market Analysis. The findings can be shared between the two parties, but not interpreted for either client. In these situations, I have suggested that a current market appraisal be used to set price, with the appraiser being selected by both parties.

The decision to allow a dual agency is a personal choice.

Since the Seller pays the commission to the Buyer's Agent there really is no reason not to get professional guidance when purchasing a home. After all, the Seller starts off with dedicated representation – you may want this too!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Bay Area's Hottest & Coldest Real Estate Markets!

Below is a list of the Bay Area's Hottest & Coldest Zip Code's. Hot Zip codes are determined by the ratio of Sale Price to Asking Price.

Emeryville is actually one of the Top 10 Zip Codes in the Nation as of Today!

Home Priced Right, Good Condition, Good Location = SOLD!!!

HOT BAY AREA ZIP CODES BELOW: These are the Bay Area ZIP codes where houses sold for the highest ratio to their asking price in the third quarter.

City ZIP Ratio (Sales Price to List Price)

Emeryville 94608 105.65%
San Jose 95122 105.22
Oakland 94606 105.06
Berkeley 94703 104.78
San Lorenzo 94580 104.45

These are the Bay Area ZIP codes where houses sold for the lowest ratio to their asking price in the third quarter.

City ZIP Ratio
Rio Vista 94571 93.47%
Napa 94558 93.45
Alamo 94507 93.07
Half Moon Bay 94019 92.94
Los Gatos/
Monte Sereno 95030 92.26

Search for home in your area at

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Friday, October 23, 2009

Home Buying given you a sour taste? Watch Video and Call Me!

This was fun so I thought I would share. Fun Friday! If you feel like this or have experienced this give me a call today. Home Buying with a personal experience.

Happy House Hunting!

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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Co-Sign for Family or Friends? Need to know!

Co-Signing has always been an option when helping a family or friend get approved for a loan. It's not a bad thing if done correctly, and is used all the time to allow someone who might not qualify but can afford to pay a loan get approved. But there are some things to consider when you decide to help someone out. Remember that when you co-sign for a loan this means you become part owner of the debt acquired and the payment owed monthly.

So what happens when you want to re-finance your property or go to apply for a loan?

The bank consider the amount you co-signed for as part of debt that you owe and the monthly payment will be considered as your monthly debt.

So how do you prove to the bank that the other person makes the payment?

1) NEVER take cash from the person you co-signed for and make the payment yourself. shows the bank that you are the person making the payment

2) Try to have the individual you co-signed for make the payment directly on the loan.

3) If you feel more comfortable making the payment to ensure that it gets made every month. Have the person write you a check and not pay you in cash. Make sure they reference the loan # on the memo & payment period. You make the payment by check as well or online and reference the same loan #.

The key to remember is that banks want to see a paper trail for 12 months at minimum. This will allow the bank to see that the payment is not being made by you, this will help them not to consider this your debt and hold it against you. If you don't do this correctly and keep a paper trail, this could mean denial on a loan in the future for you.

if you have any questions please do not hesitate to call or email.

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Paying off ALL debt can double your home buying power!

So people wonder from time to time how can we afford a home?

So you go to speak to a bank and they tell you that you only qualify for $300,000. So now what? What can that buy in San Francisco at that price?

Paying off ALL your debt can actually double your purchase price when qualifying from a Banks point of view. For Example: A combined gross household income of $13,000 a month with monthly debt of $662.00, and FICO scores of 750+ can only qualify for $300,000. If that household was to pay off all debt they would be able to purchase a home at least for $700,000. (This scenario is based off of Today's rates, qualification guidelines and for example purposes only.)

Why such little monthly debt can affect your qualifying?

Banks have a debt to income ratio that's tailored to specific programs and vary from each Financial institute and available loan programs. Debt to income ratios determines the borrowers liability to the bank. Such a small amount of debt could mean a minimal increase in your D.T.I. (Debt to Income Ratio) which could be the difference of approval or getting denied.

* The above scenario if based off of FHA Access program that only requires 1/2% down payment.

For a FREE consultation to see how you can pay off your debt and how you can afford to purchase more home for your money in San Francisco call me today!

See how a family with $123,000 of debt paid it off in 4.5 years!! CLICK HERE!

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Friday, October 16, 2009

Buyers paying close to asking price in Today's Market?

A report was just released that home buyers are currently paying closer to listing price in August, but are still negotiating thousands in discounts. This is a look at the market from a national standpoint.

Here are the numbers:
Buyers paid $6,525 or 3% less than the asking price in August. This is down from $7,017 or 3.3% in July.

24.7% of all listed homes have had at least one listing price reduction.

So what about here in San Francisco & California?

In two California Markets buyers paid more than asking price during August. In the El Centro MSA, buyers paid 2.2% or a median $2,479, more than asking price. In the Stockton MSA, buyers paid 1.3%, or $2,515, more.

San Francisco Market:

The homes that have been sold in the past 30 days have gone for 99.47% of the listing price. In some small markets here in the city we are seeing multiple offers on properties in great condition and well priced.

So does this mean the market is in an up swing?

At this time I do not believe so, although we are seeing lower inventory which allows seller's to have the ability to negotiate more on their behalf. Buyers don't have all the options they had 6 months to a year ago. A rise in foreclosure's is projected, so this may allow more negotiating power for buyers as inventory rises again.

Any thoughts?


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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Credit Problems? You can still get a mortgage!

Worried that you can’t qualify for a home loan due to lack of credit?

Did you know that some lenders will approve your loan even if you have NO FICO SCORE?!

Yes NO FICO score. Work with your mortgage professional to gather documentation to submit “alternative credit” to the lender. This is done by simply getting letters from companies and/or individuals such as your auto insurance company, PG&E company, cell phone company, cable provider, or your landlord. Have them type a letter on a company letter head that simply states you have been a customer for at least a year, you are in good standing, you have paid “x” amount on-time for the past year (2 years is even better!) and their information for reference, Signed and dated. DONE! This will be submitted to the credit bureaus as alternative credit and added as a credit supplement. So if credit issues are stopping you from buying in this great real estate market…. Get off the fence and contact me today to guide you through the process of home ownership.

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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Does it cost to have a Realtor represent a Buyer?

I had a client (Buyer) the other day ask me how much do I charge for my service. So I thought that education is key and decided to write a post in regards to this topic.

Does a Realtor charge for representing a Buyer in a transaction?

The answer is yes. Commission is split between the Seller's Brokerage and Buyer's Brokerage. This is typically agreed upon when the Listing agent has the Seller sign the Listing agreement. This is an incentive to Buyer's agents to get the home being listed Sold.

So how much does it cost the Buyer?

The commission is strictly paid by the seller for both agents. Buyers do not pay a Fee or Commission to a brokerage representing them. It's free representation for the buyer. So remember that when you are purchasing a home you have a FREE service that is available to use. USE IT!

*If you are a buyer and a company requires you to pay them for you service do not pay them any money!*

(The above statement is true for Northern California, other area of the state and US may vary for commission terms and conditions of agents commissions: San Francisco, East Bay, South Bay, Peninsula, North Bay areas.)

Thanks again for reading and Happy House Hunting!

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Monday, October 12, 2009

Contingent & Pending.....What is the difference?

Contingent and Pending are two terms that describe the current availability of a property on the market. They both share similar traits but also are very different in many ways.

Contingent and Pending means: That an offer from a buyer has been accepted on a property for sale. They buyer and seller have come to an agreement on a price and terms of the contract/ transaction. Although during the escrow process terms and conditions may be negotiated based on findings of reports or different terms that may arise.

So what is the difference?

Contingent Status:

This means that although the buyer and seller have come to agreement on price and terms, the buyer is obtaining further information on the property. This includes a Termite report or Home Inspection Report if the buyer elected to have one done. The buyer still needs to review Condo/ TIC documents including H.O A. Newsletters, financial records, reserves, possibly sellers approving the buyer for a TIC, Covenant, Conditions & Restrictions for a condo and the approval of what further reports the buyer has elected to have. Along with inspections and reports during the Contingent period the buyer is awaiting final approval from the bank (underwriter), that all the needed documents have been submitted, approved and acknowledged by the Bank. This allows the buyer to have a period that if something arises and their financing is not approved, the buyer may back out of the contract without losing their "good faith deposit." So Contingent means that the property is sold with the understanding that the buyers is to perform duties in financing and inspecting documents (ie: Title) within the time lines specified in the contract.

Pending Status: Pending means that all the contingencies in the contract have been approved. The buyer has done all the investigating and has approved everything that they have found on the property. The lender has given the okay that the loan has a final approval and the buyer may move forward on the purchase. During the pending process is when loan documents are being prepared by the Bank, escrow documents are being processed at the Escrow company. In this time frame the buyer and seller will be scheduling appointments at the Escrow company to sign all transaction related documents.

* Most contingent properties are still available to view. Keep in mind that a Buyer has already placed an offer and that if you do decide to write an offer you will be placed in back-up position in case the first offer does not go through. This will depend how far the buyer/seller are in on the contingencies and if the seller wants to participate. I hope this helps out!

If you need my assistance please feel free to contact me via email or phone.
(415) 336-8191 - Cell

Search for Homes Online!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

First Meeting with a Bank or Lender.

Buyers should always be prepared when meeting with a Lender or Bank to get pre-approved. Homes that are priced right and in great condition are starting to move quickly. Being prepared to write an offer at any time when looking for a home is a must. In order to get a pre-approval from a bank it's good to always have all your documentation ready for review. Not having the proper approval letter could cost you your dream home. So what do you bring to the appointment. Below I have examples of what a lender or bank might request to pre-aprove you. Keep in mind that every bank is different and that your Real Estate agent should call them prior to the meeting. A well prepared team is a successful one! Happy house hunting!

What to Bring to Your Loan Appointment:

* W2's and 1040 tax returns for the past two years

* Paycheck stubs covering one month

* Residence addresses – covering the past two years

* Names and addresses of each employer – covering the past two years

* Last two months’ statements for all assets (i.e. checking, savings, stocks, retirement accounts, etc.)

* Addresses of other real estate owned

* Payment for credit report and appraisal

* Photo ID

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Thursday, October 1, 2009

HARP -Home Affordability Refinance Program

I thought I would go over the HARP program since it came up today with a client. This program can be used by individuals that had a fixed term mortgage and now will become adjustable. Also if you have a hgher interest rate and would like to lower your payment. In order to use this program the original loan must have been sold to Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae. If sold to Freddie Mac the property must be used as a primary residence. If sold to Fannie Mae it can be Primary or Secondary home. Below are the guidelines for this program.

HARP Guidelines:

*You may Finance up to 105% of property value
*Primary Residence min FICO score of 620
*Secondary Residence min FICO score of 680
*Can only finance rate & term (No Cash Out)
*Debt to Income Ratio can not exceed 45%
*No late mortgage payments in the last 12 months
*Must have owned the property for 3 months
*Current loan can not be Government. Example: FHA LOAN
*No adding/ deleting borrowers if loan is with Freddie Mac
*You CAN add borrowers if with Fannie Mae as long as the original borrowers remain on the loan.

For more information please feel free to contact me via email or phone.
C: 415.336.8191

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