George Langford's Blog

Friday, July 24, 2009

10 Dos and Don'ts for Selling a Home

This market offers vast opportunities for home owners who have equity and are in need of a larger home to sell and make it a reality. Below is a list of Dos and Don'ts that can help you prepare your home for sale.

5 Dos

Consult a real estate agent (George Lanford) before prepping your home for the market. If you just start making changes, you may be focusing on things that are not as important as others. If you spend $1 you want to get that dollar back or maybe even more.

Make sure an agent (George) will have a strong online presence. The majority of house hunters begin their search on the Internet and then narrow down which ones to actually visit. 80% of home buyers start on the internet and making your home present on the internet is the key to creating exposure.... More Exposure = Greater Selling Price!! $$$$$$

Be certain your agent is knowledgeable about the area. He or she should have a good understanding of the local community, schools, recreation and politics to share with potential buyers.

Feature professional color photos of your home. This is as important for the Internet listing as it is for the printed brochures. The brochure should also include a detailed floor plan. Ask your agent to take local pictures of shops & Parks to highlight the area you live.

Have a clear understanding of the selling process. Familiarize yourself with the typical marketing time in your area, what to expect with a home inspection and any hot-button items that could be of concern. Also, be familiar with the contract process, attorney review, mortgage contingency, deposit escrows and closing time frames. In San Francisco or the Bay Area there are different City requirements that need to be completed when selling a home. For example: San Francisco is completely different than San Bruno or even Oakland.

5 Dont's

Don't just go with the agent who tells you your house is worth the most. Conduct some research to verify the pricing, and consider looking at the competition.

Don't just assume that the agent who sold you your house will be a good fit on the selling side. Interview more than one person to find out what each has to offer. There are agents that work directly with Buyers and directly with Sellers. Know what exact areas the agent you are using specializes in.

Don't ignore offers that don't meet your asking price. By not countering even low offers, you could easily discourage what may ultimately be a good offer.

Don't assume that your agent works full-time. Many do not, so be sure to ask.

Don't just accept everything your agent says. Get it in writing. Make sure he or she offers a written marketing plan with which you agree. Also, understand that once you sign, you are locked in to a legal contract for the term agreed upon.

** Most importantly don't be afraid to get creative. Your agent should not be doing the "norm" in this not so "normal" market. Contact me to hear about my selling techniques that are different for Today's market.***

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