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Thursday, April 29, 2010

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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Spring San Francisco Real Estate Report!

Click on the link to read the Report!

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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Earthquake Preparedness Kit - Are you Ready?

We have recently had Earthquakes in Southern California and Mexico. Although this activity is not out of the "Norm" it is always a reminder that we need to be prepared living here in San Francisco.

After a major disaster the usual services we take for granted, such as running water, refrigeration, and telephones, may be unavailable. Experts recommend that you should be prepared to be self-sufficient for at least three days. Store your household disaster kit in an easily accessible location. Put contents in a large, watertight container (e.g. a large plastic garbage can with a lid and wheels) that you can move easily.

Your basic emergency kit should include:

*Water – one gallon per person per day
*Food – ready to eat or requiring minimal water
*Manual can opener and other cooking supplies
*Plates, utensils and other feeding supplies
*First Aid kit & instructions
*A copy of important documents & phone numbers
*Warm clothes and rain gear for each family member.
*Heavy work gloves
*Unscented liquid household bleach and an eyedropper for water purification
*Personal hygiene items including toilet paper, feminine supplies, hand sanitizer and soap
*Plastic sheeting, duct tape and utility knife for covering broken windows
*Tools such as a crowbar, hammer & nails, staple gun, adjustable wrench and bungee cords.
*Blanket or sleeping bag
*Large heavy duty plastic bags and a plastic bucket for waste and sanitation
*Any special-needs items for children, seniors or people with disabilities. Don’t forget water and supplies for your pets.
*A component of your disaster kit is your Go-bag. Put the following items together in a backpack or another easy to carry container in case you must evacuate quickly.

Prepare one Go-bag for each family member and make sure each has an I.D. tag. You may not be at home when an emergency strikes so keep some additional supplies in your car and at work, considering what you would need for your immediate safety.

Radio – battery operated
Dust mask
Pocket knife
Emergency cash in small denominations and quarters for phone calls
Sturdy shoes, a change of clothes, and a warm hat
Local map
Some water and food
Permanent marker, paper and tape
Photos of family members and pets for re-identification purposes
List of emergency point-of -contact phone numbers
List of allergies to any drug (especially antibiotics) or food
Copy of health insurance and identification cards
Extra prescription eye glasses, hearing aid or other vital personal items
Prescription medications and first aid supplies
Toothbrush and toothpaste
Extra keys to your house and vehicle
Any special-needs items for children, seniors or people with disabilities. Don’t forget to make a Go-bag for your pets

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Monday, April 5, 2010

District 5 - Noe Valley San Francisco

Over the years, Noe Valley has become one of San Francisco's most coveted residential areas. Many of the Victorian and Edwardian homes in the area have been updated for modern living, and the area is very convenient for out-of-town and downtown commuters alike, with easy access to highways and the J-Church Muni Metro line.

Twin Peaks rises high above the valley, blocking much of the fog that lingers in the city's Western neighborhoods; frequent sunny days make this a wonderful home for those who love socializing with their neighbors.

24th Street is the heart of the neighborhood, and here you will find friendly faces popping in and out of boutiques, restaurants, charming cafes, salons and a bevy of long-standing small businesses. Throughout San Francisco, this area is known as a popular place for both new parents and dog lovers to congregate - watch out for strollers and dog leashes while window-shopping!

The inclusiveness of the neighborhood is bolstered by a number of community events, including a weekly farmers market and October's much looked-forward-to Harvest Festival. Of course, Noe Valley neighbors find reasons to gather every day -- whether at Douglass Park playground, the newly opened recreation center and dog run, or just out in front of one of the many coffee venues.

■Zip Code(s): 94114, 94131, 94110

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